Looking Ahead
Following on from my last blog, where I touched on the well worn subject of written books versus e-books, I have decided that in this blog to take a look at well used items that may well become antiques or obsolete in future years. A few of these could be: –
Business cards Microsoft purchased LinkedIn for $26B; do we still need business cards?
Cash Always king, but in an effort to track everyone, cash has got to go. But I still love it.
Cameras Mobile phone? Then you have a good camera. Do you need to buy a camera?
USB Keys Portable. However everything is now stored in clouds.
Phone boxes most people have a mobile phone, are phone boxes still necessary?
Glasses With contact lenses and laser eye surgery now the norm; are glasses necessary?
Printers Do we really need to print that? Probably not!
There are of course many more everyday things such as, my jokes, CDs, DVDs, iPods, calculators, ATMs, stand-alone radios, and even the noble envelope that could be phased out over the coming years. Pretty much every “ism” should have died out a long time ago, but let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Wrist watches I believe will see a downturn in sales over the coming years, as many children & adults can easily see the time every time they look at their smart phone.
The e-book since its inception has and did create a wave of excitement and literary creativity.
Do you use still pen & paper? Computer/laptop keyboard? Or a voice activated system?
I do believe that everyone does have at least one book in them, maybe a Magnum Opus as it were.
Picking up a pen, or sitting in front of keyboard, gathering inspiration and a workable idea that you can translate into the appropriate words and writing them down is not as easy as it may first seem. Then, once written, reviewed, spell checked, book cover designed, sale price decided on, accounts created, and then book launched live is quite a process.
Then the wait for the sales to come pouring in…..
As many of us know marketing your e-book, is not the easiest of arts to learn and few authors have enjoyed great sales and revenues from the books they’ve written.
In the coming weeks I will be looking at highlighting a service for subscribers to this website.
If you have a book you have written yourself, you can write a short description of what the book is about, provide a link to where the book can be purchased (Amazon, EBay etc) also a JPEG of the book cover. All we ask is a donation for this service.
We have a large database of authors, book readers, screen writers, reviewers and of course site visitors, so who knows it may result in additional sites although I can’t guarantee that of course. But nothing ventured nothing gained.
So till then, read well, write well & be safe.
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